"Forget it. I don't like kids. I didn't even like kids when I was a kid."
So Cinderella skipped the ball and asked her fairy godmother to make her the
first woman president.
The secret of life is breathe in, breathe out.
Why is it when a guy talks dirty to a girl, it's harassment and when a girl talks dirty to
a guy, it's $3.99 a minute!
- What do you call a man with no arms or legs in the middle of the ocean?
- Bob.
Time flies when you're sick & psychotic.
Mrs. Manson: What do you see in the picture, Daria?
Daria: Um... a herd of beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains.
Mrs. Manson: Uh, there aren't any ponies. It's two people.
Daria: Last time I took one of these tests they told me they were clouds. They said
they could be whatever I wanted.
Mrs. Manson: That's a different test, dear. In this test, they're people and you tell me
what they're discussing.
Daria: Oh... I see. All right, then. It's a guy and a girl and they're discussing... a herd of
beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains.
You are now entering Lawndale: IQ limits strictly enforced.
So Cinderella skipped the ball and asked her fairy godmother to make her the
first woman president.
The secret of life is breathe in, breathe out.
Why is it when a guy talks dirty to a girl, it's harassment and when a girl talks dirty to
a guy, it's $3.99 a minute!
- What do you call a man with no arms or legs in the middle of the ocean?
- Bob.
Time flies when you're sick & psychotic.
Mrs. Manson: What do you see in the picture, Daria?
Daria: Um... a herd of beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains.
Mrs. Manson: Uh, there aren't any ponies. It's two people.
Daria: Last time I took one of these tests they told me they were clouds. They said
they could be whatever I wanted.
Mrs. Manson: That's a different test, dear. In this test, they're people and you tell me
what they're discussing.
Daria: Oh... I see. All right, then. It's a guy and a girl and they're discussing... a herd of
beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains.
You are now entering Lawndale: IQ limits strictly enforced.