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«Hello, my son is 15 years old, and I am his mother. He and his friend both bought your game, then constantly talk about it and play it all the time. I thought this will prevent him from bad street influence, drugs taking, alcoholism and other dangerous things. But, I noticed that my son's friend started came much more often than before (since our families are friends for many years, I haven’t suspect anything). That was such a strange thing, and so it interested me. And one day I returned home from work earlier than usual, I was shocked to find that they are practicing anal sex! I was really shocked! After the scandal, in the presence of a parent the other boy, it appears that they have seen it in your game, and decided to follow example of a "city’ champion" and "escaped enslaved elf”! I demand you to remove everything associated with homosexuality out of the game in order to protect the teenage mind from unhealthy influences and make gays from them! As I said to my son, according to the rating of this game it mustn't be selled to persons under 18 years old, but you should understand that in our country (Russia) no one watch this and no one cares that our sons are turning into gays! Even if we prevent them from playing such games, the desire still overpower the mother's words and they still will play in secretly. I always thought that computer games - it's an innocent fun, but... Undoubtedly, this is my fault as mother. Also as seller, who sold the teen a game with such rating, but this is still a tragedy for me…. I hope that you such woe shall never be upon you.

Margarita Nikolaevna.»

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